Article Submissions for Baby Society Magazine


Baby Society Magazine is seeking articles related to children from newborn to six years old. We also welcome topics on maternity, parenting advice, breastfeeding, personal experiences, and activities for children. Contributions from family members (Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, etc.) as well as professionals are encouraged.

Word Count:

Submissions should range between 300-800 words. Since we are a 100% digital publication, we don’t edit for length, so feel free to write as needed to cover your topic.

Submission Process:

Articles can be submitted via email to in a Word document, Pages document, or shared through Google Drive.


You may include 1-2 photos with your article. If submitting photos, they must be approved for use in our publication, and we may require written confirmation from the photographer. Photo credits will include a link to the photographer’s website if applicable. If no photos are provided, Baby Society Magazine will add suitable images as needed.

Exclusive Content:

We ask that all submissions be exclusively written for Baby Society Magazine, with few exceptions (please email for exception requests). We do not accept articles that have been published elsewhere, including on your personal blog or website. We also do not publish links to external articles or do link insertions unless they are used as references.


All submissions will be edited for grammar, clarity, structure, tone, and content. Our editorial team makes all editing decisions, which will not be shared prior to publication.


Baby Society Magazine requires first exclusive electronic rights to all published content. Articles will remain available on our website and in our archives, though writers retain copyright.

Writer Credit:

Contributors receive full credit for their work, including a link to their website or social media for promotion. We will also tag you and/or your business when sharing the article on social media.


You may include a photo and a brief 2-3 sentence bio at the end of your article. Your bio may include a description of yourself, a link to your website, and contact information. If you represent a business, you may also submit a logo for inclusion if space permits. All articles are published as individual posts on our website, optimized for SEO to enhance your online presence.

Please note that not all submissions will be published, and we do not offer monetary compensation at this time.

See our editorial calendar below for submission deadlines and issue themes.