As a doula, I support families who choose in-hospital or out-of-hospital births, and medicated or unmedicated deliveries.
For me, an empowered birth experience is never about how you birth but that you’re educated in your options, your voice is heard, and your body and baby respected during the sacred childbirth process.
Some of you know that I am currently a student midwife. So, when Danny and I found out we were expecting, we made the easy decision to welcome our baby at home.
Home birth has become very popular over the last few years although studies show less than 1% of American women give birth at home.
The best place to give birth is where you feel the most safe. For me, that’s in the comfort of my own house with Danny and our fur baby Pepper by my side!
Here are my top three reasons we chose home birth with my amazing team of Well Rounded Momma midwives!
1.Less Interventions
At home, I can choose when and if I want my cervix checked (among other things).
2. Eat & Drink
Ability to eat & drink throughout labor. This will help provide much needed fuel because labor is a lot like running a marathon.
3. Freedom of Movement
At home, I have options beyond the bed. I can be in a more natural position when pushing and Danny can have a special role in helping to deliver our son!
Being a birth worker specializing in pre and post natal fitness has given me great insight on ways to prepare myself for a healthy pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period. Here are five things I have focused on and often recommend to the families I work with.
Choosing the Right Birth Team
I am incredibly lucky to work with an awesome group of Midwives and Doula’s at Well Rounded Momma that have taken their time providing educational and emotional support throughout my pregnancy. I feel safe and supported knowing they are highly skilled and the right women to hold space for me during my birth.
Prenatal Pilates
Focusing on not just strengthening but relaxing my pelvic floor.
Breastfeeding Classes
Breastfeeding classes with Rory Solomon.
Hypnobirthing childbirth education with Mandie Medford gave us coping tools to utilize during labor.
Birth Without Fear
Birth Without Fear is a great read to help normalize natural childbirth, which is often viewed as emergent in our society today.
Brought to you by: Emily V. Galica, Empowered Wellness