Technology Trends for Children of Millennials

It seems like babies these days know how to work any phone or tablet put in front of them before they can even walk. The reality is that these children are born into a world of technology, which is typical for them. Millennial parents are navigating parenthood in style with digital innovation. This does not replace the task of parenting but amplifies learning opportunities previous generations could only imagine. Forget about oscillating bouncers or swings with music; we are talking about the three A’s that will elevate your day-to-day experience.

Augmented Reality, also known as “AR,” has grown leaps and bounds in the past year due to the rise in at-home entertainment because of quarantine. The Smithsonian Institution and National Geographic have jumped at this chance to utilize AR as a new learning tool. Children can now go to the museums through any mobile device and even superimpose exhibits right in their own safe space. You can see a full-size Triceratops fossil or Bengal tiger right in your living room with this AR technology.

Artificial Intelligence, also known as “AI,” is as cool and futuristic as it sounds. You may have heard of AI in Sci-Fi movies or seen them at various kiosks in the last decade. Now, they have AI to service and cater to your toddlers. Available early 2022, Snorble is the first intelligent sleep buddy for kids using AI technology. Snorble gamified the whole sleep experience, which will help parents tackle sleep in an entirely new way.


Apps have evolved beyond counting games and matching shapes. YouTube channels like Vlad and Niki have launched their own apps where you can simulate their world on your tablet. Toddler-friendly apps like Sago Mini World have over 35 scenes to learn from. All with clickable items like in apartments, supermarkets, and airports too. Using tech as a tool and in moderation will take our children’s imagination to new heights and expose them to things safely in the comfort of our home.

Written by: Yvonne Kai / Tiny Hikes + Adventures Founder

This article is not a paid or sponsored contribution

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