First Time Parent


Meet First Time Parent. Their mission is to help first time parents raise happy, healthy, and self-sufficient children without added stress. They offer a unique approach at First Time Parent by helping their clients by first listening to their needs. Then, they work together with their clients to assist them in successfully reaching their goal(s).

What inspired you to start your business?

“My daughter, Charlotte, is the reason for First Time Parent. My wife and I started preparing for Charlotte’s first seven years two years before she was born. The more I learned about raising a child through various sources, the more I wanted to share the knowledge with the world. I remember when my wife, Siren, was just three months pregnant, she said, “Honey, I think we should have another kid.” I felt very proud of myself because I took the time to prepare my wife early for her pregnancy. As a result, she wanted to have another child at just three months pregnant. It was then that I thought if the knowledge gained through various sources can help my wife have an enjoyable pregnancy, then I have to be there for first time parents so they, too, can have a pleasant experience. It was a challenge to build First Time Parent as a brand and as a business, but it was worth it. Best of all, I revealed our company to the masses at the Las Vegas Baby Expo with my wife, Siren, and my 16-month-old daughter, Charlotte, standing next to me.”

What is one thing you would like your customers to know about you and your business?

“The cost of our priced-to-package course for learning how to raise happy, healthy, and self-sufficient children is less than the price you will have to pay in the long run for not knowing how to prepare for the first seven years of your child’s life and not knowing how to raise your little one in this golden age of social media and Artificial Intelligence.”

Let us know what makes your business so unique.

“First Time Parent is unique in the following ways:

We help first time parents prepare for the first seven years of their child or children’s lives because the first seven years of a child’s life are the blueprint for the rest of their life.

We teach first time parents that it takes only a mother and a father to raise a child, not a village. We give parents the tools necessary so that they can raise their child or children without added stress.”

What’s your favorite part about being a business owner?

“I am proud to own First Time Parent, where I can give our clients far more than they pay for their coaching services.”

First Time Parent

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