The Many Gifts of Adoption

by Alexandra Hoops, Director of Adoption

Loving Hearts Adoption Services

From the moment a woman decides to actively make an adoption plan for her child to the moment a child is placed in their adoptive parents’ home, adoption is an emotional experience for those involved, but there is one thing that ties them together: love.

The ability for something to be so powerful and loving is unlike anything else, and everyone involved in the adoption process is able to benefit from the many gifts that adoption provides.

Adoption is Selfless

Placing a child for adoption is a selfless sacrifice made by the birth parent that allows a child an opportunity for a different life that the birth parent might not have been able to provide themselves. This gift allows for an adoptive family to accept and unconditionally love the child as if the child were biologically born to them. The adoptive family treasures the gift of adoption that the birth parent made possible for them. Furthermore, adoptees experience love in a different kind of way than other children, as they are faced with unique challenges and taught to love regardless of biology.

In some cases, adoptions may be “open,” with the birth parents maintaining a relationship with both the adoptive family and adoptee. In these cases, the birth parents may have the opportunity to communicate with their children and the adoptive parents to provide deeper insights into their family history, as well as be part of the child’s life. Many adoptive families not only love their child as their own but extend their arms to the birth parents who provided them with the gift that is their child.

Adoption is a Rewarding Journey

Those affected by adoption will likely experience challenging emotions throughout the process, such as loss, shame, and grief. For example, adoptees can experience the loss of biological family and culture, as well as identity formation concerns, especially as they enter adolescence. Furthermore, some adoptive parents might have experienced infertility or the loss of a child prior to a child being placed in their home for adoption. Many birth parents report the process of relinquishment as being traumatic, although they are doing it out of love for their child. Despite all of the concerns to be overcome, the best interests of the child are at the forefront of decision-making.

While adoption is not always perfect, it can be very rewarding. Despite the “messiness” of adoption and the likelihood of a few hiccups along the way, adoption is truly a gift of love throughout the entirety of the process. Because adoption is so complex, it is important to have a professional walking by your side during the process.

Adoption is Loving Hearts

Adoption agencies, including Loving Hearts, work to provide resources, such as support groups, educational resources, and adoption placements, which can be helpful for every member of the adoption process.

Adoption is complex and affects the lives of everyone involved, and it touches the lives of multiple generations of individuals. The decisions made by birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoption professionals surrounding each adoption are powerful, lasting decisions.

Further information about the lifelong journey of adoption can be learned by calling 702.385.3351 or visiting

Alexandra Hoops is the Director of Adoption at Loving Hearts Adoption Services, a child-placing agency in the state of Nevada.

Loving Hearts Adoption Services

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